My review unit arrived today. Should be fun giving it a whirl over the next couple weeks.
Been a busy week with work. Haven't had much time to spend with the projector. I'm hoping to do a full calibration tomorrow or Monday. I will check low lamp to see if my unit measures like yours. I'm guessing it will because I measured the same 10% loss with high lamp.
What I find interesting, and is something I want to measure for myself, is that you found that enabling the P3 filter boosts native contrast to about 30,000:1. Unless I misread your posts. I measured ~23000:1 native without the filter. A 30% increase in contrast with just a 10% loss of light seems like a great trade off. Edit: I just re-read your post and it's the other way around. The filter decreases contrast.
Lucy looks marvelous on UHD Blu-ray.