My copy is arriving tomorrow. Can't wait to see it this weekend. More time with no football!
Thanks for the review. One of the few very food reboots. Loved it
David, I trust your reviews. I just ordered it from Amazon. I guess I’ll get it in a couple of days.
Liked this one a LOT. In chatting with a friend about it he brought up an old Roger Ebert comment, paraphrasing, that love stories are all the same but what matters is if you believe and buy into the characters. The change in locale worked for me, the characters worked, the way they tied in to older movies and incorporated some "fan service" worked. There could have been a bit more development in parts but overall, I bought the key pieces. I've seen McKenna Grace before but not enough to know her well but I thought she was outstanding as the nerdy and precocious Phoebe, and along with the kid who played Podcast really nailed the key relationship in the movie. The physical makeover they gave her to give a family resemblance to her grandfather Egon was great.I did start calling it "Ghostbusters: Goonie Things" for myself, though, lol.
I was really looking forward to this movie, having heard lots of positive comments about it, but it just didn't work for me at all. Maybe it was because I only kinda liked the original one, didn't care for the second, and completely skipped the 2016 version, just based on the dreadful trailers and commercials.The movie started out well with the opening scenes, and then went downhill from there. The mother was completely unlikeable, and it was hard to reconcile the way Egon changed between the earlier movies and this one. Yes, the plot tries to explain the change, but it seemed so drastic as to pull me out of the movie. There were so few surprises, and so much of the movie just felt like fan service rather than story-driven elements.The kids didn't talk or act like kids, more like little versions of adults. And some of the decisions just didn't make any sense (I'm looking at you, Grooberson), and perfect examples of having smart characters make really, really stupid decisions.It dragged in spots, and I was happy when it was finally over.I will agree that the sound was excellent, even on 5.1 BD that shipped from Netflix. (Come on, Sony, there's no reason not to include the Atmos mix on a BD. Stop shorting consumers). It's certainly filled with demo material, hats off to the team that worked on that.Glad to see a lot of people liked this one, especially by looking at the box office receipts, but wasn't my cup of tea.Scott
Greetings,Nice review Dave! I enjoyed this one as well, finding it's nostalgia to be complimentary. Regards,