Looking forward to seeing this on 4K. Give me Eyes Wide Shut on 4K too please.
I know everyone has their own taste. But I just don’t understand watching weird things. Idk
It's social commentary, science fiction and " future shock " - I like all of those. And had 4 Academy Awards nominations. I don't get adults that watch animated films - they are cartoons. I'm not 5 anymore!
Well, my brothers, I have seen the 4K version of a clockwork Orange. This is only to comment on the audio and video.The video is outstanding, the blacks are so black and the whites are so white, It looks very different from the Blu-ray. I give the video a 9 out of 10 for this type of picture.Rating the audio for me is very difficult. The original movie was Monoral in an era where that was common. They have made this a 5.1 soundtrack which has moments of sounding really good and much more moments of inconsistent and harsh sounding effects. I would prefer to listen to the mono track which is an option. That track is flawed also but it’s closer to the original And it’s not as grading as this sometimes is at 5.1.
I saw this movie on Betamax. It was too twisted for me even back in my younger days. 4K, no thanks...