David, once again our reviews are very close. I did review it and listed on here when it first came out and we said very much the same things, including going back to the movie theatre!Scarlett Johansson has complained that she does not feel that the movie did well because of the way Disney released it. This was an avengers movie without any avengers or superheroes. I think you didn’t do better because it was not a better movie and had a predetermined ending.I suspect Disney released it the way it did because they knew this movie did not compare to most of the others.See my review on this site at: https://discuss.avscience.com/index.php?topic=2940.0David, It’s great that I post About the movies when they are released in theatres and then you follow up with your reviews when they are released on disc, usually a couple of months later. Seriously though I am concerned about the fate of movie theatres when so many movies are released so quickly to stream and then to disk.
Barry,Outside of only a few movies (one distinctly comes to mind),we have very similar tastes. I'll try and link your reviews when I review a title. We can be our own version of Siskel and Ebert. In regard to the movie theaters...I completely agree. I'm not sure how they're going to make it, although The Ten Rings has done quite well.
Barry, if this movie takes place before End Game ( a prequel to that so to speak ), where in the Marvel movie list would this be slotted ?
Greetings,It takes place after Captain America: Civil War. You can slide it into the slot after that.