David if you wouldn’t mind a few thoughts on the Star Trek movies that you reviewed which I have also seen many times. Star Trek: The Motionless Picture: Next year there will be a special directors cut of this movie released in 4K. People don’t know this but it was the first movie by Paramount to make more than $100 million at the time. It wasn’t unpopular. I think I’m one of the few people who actually liked the movie. The problem with the movie is that it is really a very good science fiction idea but it is simply not Star Trek. Star Trek not only involves action and adventure but interaction between the main characters and that was just not developed here at all. But I must say I like the music too and the music here became the theme for Star Trek for many years. Again not a great movie but when I did enjoy. Star Trek II: was the trek movie we all had been waiting for. There were rumors of Spock’s death before the movie came out and they were so clever to have him die in the beginning and then come back to life. Star Trek III: this was a good TV movie, or a good episode of Star Trek. I enjoyed it but it didn’t have the reach of the movies and it felt more like an episode of the show. Star Trek IV: I seem to like the even numbers of Star Trek movies. This movie was also terrific. It was wonderful to see Spock’s family again too. It also interests me that some of my favorite Star Trek episodes and movies involve time travel. “The City on the Edge f Forever,” “First Contact” and a couple of Deep Space Nine episodes.
David, first my name is Barry not Paul. Some things you may not know about these four Star Trek movies: 1. In the first movie and opening scene has Mr. Spock on the planet Vulcan. I saw the movie when it first came out and this was a scene shot at night, in darkness. When released on video for the first time, that was VHS and Laser, you actually couldn’t see the actors very well, it was too dark. So on these newer versions on DVD this scene is placed in daylight.2. Gene Roddenberry was effectively fired after the first Star Trek movie. He wanted the movie to be Star Trek searches for God. They would never use that word, he was then called a consultant. But all of his comments and such were ignored.3. The movie actually cost $20 million to make but you will hear them say it took 40 million. Neither claim is technically incorrect. Huh? The actual cost of the movie was $20 million dollars. However, Paramount had spent another 20 million trying to resurrect the TV show and other projects for Star Trek. So for tax reasons those losses are claimed under Star Trek the motion picture.4. Robert Wise was the director of The Sound of Music, West Side Story and The Day thew Earth Stood Still. He was also the editor of Citizen Kane. Sadly he had never seen a Star Trek movie before and knew nothing about it. He was even going to film it without Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy had been in a dispute with Paramount over the use of his image for marketing purposes. He was getting no money. It was Wise’s wife who insisted that Nimoy had to be in the movie.5. Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner had what entertainment executives called “a most favorite nation clause,” to avoid competition this was a clause put into contracts where they wanted parity between the stars. A famous example of this was in the show Laverne and Shirley. So Nimoy and Shatner alternated arguing salary with Paramount for each movie, knowing the other person had to get the identical amount.6. When Nimoy told Michael Eisner of Paramount that he wanted to direct Star Trek three,, Eisner told him no. Eisner did not like the fact that Nimoy had put into his contract that Spock had to die in Star Trek II. that was just a rumor, Nimoy told Eisner to take out the contract and look at it there was no such clause. Eisner did just that and then hired Nimoy.7. Because of the most favorite nation clause Shatner was able to direct Star Trek five. This was a terrible movie and again there was again the search for God in it.
Barry, thanks for the further notes on the ST movies - very interesting behind the scenes info!David, as you know you can edit your post to correct the name... I hate to be a source of confusion lol.
I haven’t seen these since they were on the original HBO lol
Wow...they are fun movies to revisit. Everyone is young and thinner