I did the same, and like the end results.When you eq only the subs using minidsp2x4HD and REW, is it normal to see the FR go down after 80hz? I'm referring to the blue line in this pic..
Sorry about that !. didn't realize that part..
Are you manually entering in the filters per movie? I looked at some of this and saw the filters per movie.
There is a repo they have established for 3000 movies and tv shows so far. So all you have to do is go into the 2x4hd software and load the file for the movie. It’s super easy. im still in awe. Every movie is a. 5 star bass movie now. And it’s not like it’s out of place bass either. it’s all in the actual audio track. so a door slamming has heft to it. As it does in real life. A car wooshung by your car while your at a turn left signal has the Heft it shouldits really a game changer. Can’t speak enough to it
One needs to have a laptop in the theater to load each BEQ, right ? And clear it before the next movie etc. I don't know - sounds good but also a hassle.
If you buy the MiniDSP WI-DG adapter you can load it from any computer with the MiniDSP software on your network; you don't have to be physically connected to the unit itself.
Good to know. I'll check that out.Correction - that wi fi adaptor is $110.00 - that will need to wait.