This was my favorite film of the ones nominated for Best Picture. I think the replay value is through the roof and it had me on the edge of my seat for virtually the entire movie. A great cast, excellent acting, and amazing sound design. Like you said Craig, the Atmos track is to die-for. Bale got screwed out of an Oscar IMO...he did a fantastic job (as usual) and may be the best actor of his generation because he has so much range and makes you believe he's someone different each time he's on the screen.
Watched it twice so far too. I haven't seen 1917 yet so can't say what my favorite is from 2019. I've watched Jojo Rabbit 3 times and I really like that one too. There were a lot of really great movies last year ( loved Knives out too - watched that one twice so far ) !
2019 was probably the best year for movies in the past 25-30 years. Watched Little Women last night and was blown away by that too...thought I would hate it and it sucked me right in. I'll post a review later today.