May I ask for a new “Thread.” I think that is the name of a title in the forum page.
I like movies, even new movies. I would like to post reviews of NEW movies and include how they look and sound in Imax and surround. We did that on another site. It has been a lifetime goal to beat David to the review!!!! He gets discs in advance.
But wait!! There is more!
Seriously, on my home theatre, I now watch a great many movies that are streamed. These come by Netflix, Hulu, DC, Amazon and much more to come. We now can get Star Trek Discovery, Twilight Zone, Luke Cage, Daredevil and a ton of other shows to show on our home theatre systems and I would like to discuss and discover how they look and sound. I certainly would like to read the recommendations of the people here.
Streaming is not the wave of the future, it is here now. I use the same equipment for my Ruko (which is attached to my Oppo 205) as I do for my blu-rays. Can we try another thread?