« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2016, 01:42:17 PM »
This will def put a hurt on Theaters if it is a disc that is released early...if it is streamed I don't think it will hurt the Theaters though IMO.

Marantz av8805a, 3 K402MEHs, 4 Klipsch RP150Ms, MINIDSP DDRC88M, 1 7 channel woofer amp & heights, 3 Icepower amps, Denafrips Athena & Pontus ii, Lumin U1 mini, 2 Yamaha P2500s, Monoprice speaker wire, and XLR cables, 2 Furman filters, ProJect RPM 1.3 Carbon Turntable, Zappiti Reference, Panasonic ub820, LG 86"" 4k fp