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Earlier film releases?


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Earlier film releases?
« on: December 05, 2016, 01:12:32 PM »
Major film studios are talking to theater owners about earlier home releases. We could see brand new movies in as little as two weeks after the theatrical release, but there would be a premium price tag of $25 to $50 attached.



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Re: Earlier film releases?
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2016, 01:42:17 PM »
This will def put a hurt on Theaters if it is a disc that is released early...if it is streamed I don't think it will hurt the Theaters though IMO.
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Re: Earlier film releases?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2016, 02:33:25 PM »
This will def put a hurt on Theaters if it is a disc that is released early...if it is streamed I don't think it will hurt the Theaters though IMO.

I think 100% the opposite would be true...I dont go to the movies..because my at home presentation is better...but if its on disc..so I forego the movies and watch at home.

People still go to the movies cause they dont want to wait..and generally watch on their HTiB.  so if they can stream it (cause they dont care about the quality) they will and stay home...its why people use Kodi now and pirate movies...to see them early
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