Picture - 9/10
Sound - 10+/10
Movie - 9.5/10
Overall 29.5/30
Let me start by saying I HATE horror movies...not because of the gore or the dumbness of most...but i am a chicken. I get freaked out VERY easily and thats just not fun for me. Not only that but i HATE clowns ....so why the hell would i buy this? Well....something about it drew me to it....hmmmm odd considering the theme of pennywise

Anyhow. This movie was awesome....stand by me meets horror..now i DID read this book WAAAAy back when so I didn't remember too much other than Tim curry lives in a sewer..lol
Great acting...VERY funny moments..and I got literal goosebumps many of times (in fact I had to watch with my theater door locked lol)
The picture was crystal clear with outstanding color saturation....yes there were overly dark scenes but i dont fee it was crushing blacks or anything...but directors intent

the sound...OMG the sound! Atmos literally at it finest....for those friends of yours who think atmos is only about helicopters flying overhead.....demno thia movie for them....as 3d sound as it gets...and CREEPY!!!! not to mention pounding reference DEEP bass. My favorite soundtrack i have heard hands down....scared the crap out of me
100% buy this...you wont regret it if for nothing but audio/visual demo...but its a great story too