Picture - 9.5/10Sound - 8/10Movie - 8.5/10Supposedly a true story of CIA hiring a TWA pilot and he using what is asked of him to make his own money (since the CIA isnt paying him) and he makes a TON of itI really enjoyed this movie...Tom C. was GREAT in it....i really like these movie like this..War Dogs..etc4k was really great,....super colorful and awesome black levels...the airplane shots over the jungles was just outstanding to look atSound was solid but nothing demo worthyworth a view...Rental approved
Supposedly a true story of CIA hiring a TWA pilot and he using what is asked of him to make his own money (since the CIA isnt paying him) and he makes a TON of it
Just saw this a couple of weeks ago and noticed your review. I was really interested in this because I grew up in Baton Rouge where Barry Seal was from, and where he was assassinated. The CIA thing is a fiction for the movie, as are some other details. He did become a DEA informant, though. The move is more "inspired by" Seal's life. http://www.historyvshollywood.com/reelfaces/american-made/