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Black (and Blue) Adam: A review


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Black (and Blue) Adam: A review
« on: October 21, 2022, 06:21:23 PM »

Seriously, this was an old-fashioned B movie, wanting and pretending to be an A one.  It is totally predictable and overly violent.  I say Black and Blue Adam because  this movie was originally given an “R” rating for the violence, so they cut out some scenes.  It took four tries!

Dwayne plays Black Adam, who, like in the comics, wants to be a protector, not a hero.in Jumanji Johnson showed how well he could develop a character. That does not happen here.  Therefore, by trying to be good, he kills a lot of people. He raelly tries to dominate the movie. The supporting characters of this movie include members of the Justice Society of America, including Hawkman and Dr. Fate, played by 007, Pierce Bronson.

Comic book update: Remember I said that comics redo themselves all the time?  Well, in the 1940s DC had the Justice Society which evolved now into the Justice League. Although they came first, the Hawkman and Dr. Fate will remind you of The Falcon and a worn out Dr. Strange.

Black Adam was created and imprisoned for five thousand years. At that time an evil crown was created, and of course, was exposed in modern times. Black Adam first fight the Justice Society (for reasons I really can’t fathom) and then, of course, predictably, he fights with them.  Yeah, parts of the movie make no sense and falling from a twenty-story building does no harm. It's really just one fight scene after another.  With a verythin plot. I was bored in many places.

The special effects are not bad, but are not terribly special and so much look like older movies with rear screen projection. Oh, and stay through the end credits, there is a final scene.

We went on opening day and there were about thirty people in the theatre. It’s not a totally bad movie, I place it in between bad and sit throughable.  Don’t waste your time and money…Wait until David reviews it on 4K or on HBO PLUS.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2022, 08:40:22 PM by Barry »
McIntosh MX170 Controller: Projector JVC DLA-RS4100; Screen: Stuart StudioTek130: Amps: McIntosh MC-611(center),MC1.25KW (lf&rt);  Krell S-1500 Atmos/Surround; 4kDVD Panasonic UB9000; Speakers: Revel Ultima Salon 2, Ultima Voice 2, (Surround) W 990, Atmos C763L; Subs: SVS SB-13 Ultras;  Cable: 4K Verizon; Broadcast: Mediasonic HW-150PVR; Wiring: Shunyata; Apple TV,

Re: Black (and Blue) Adam: A review
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2022, 12:47:44 AM »
I may not review this one...the trailers don't make it look very good at all. 
Blu-ray Reviewer / Technical Writer
Sound & Vision Magazine


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Re: Black (and Blue) Adam: A review
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2022, 10:23:18 AM »
Thanks Barry for taking this one for the team. Too bad this movie is not living up to the hype.

Hopefully next month when "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" is released on November 11th, we will have a better movie to see. :)
Samsung UN75F8000 LED TV, NAD T-777 (7.2 Receiver), Oppo 103, Sony PS4, Panamax MR-5100, 7 Paradigm Reference series 8" in ceiling speakers (AMS-150R) - 30 degree tilting speakers, 2 Paradigm SE Sub, universal remote MX-450, universal advanced RF base station MRF-3501


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Re: Black (and Blue) Adam: A review
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2022, 11:36:57 AM »
Thanks Barry for taking this one for the team. Too bad this movie is not living up to the hype.

Hopefully next month when "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" is released on November 11th, we will have a better movie to see. :)
I already bought tickets for this movie. But the tickets are for November 10. Once again I’ll write a review
McIntosh MX170 Controller: Projector JVC DLA-RS4100; Screen: Stuart StudioTek130: Amps: McIntosh MC-611(center),MC1.25KW (lf&rt);  Krell S-1500 Atmos/Surround; 4kDVD Panasonic UB9000; Speakers: Revel Ultima Salon 2, Ultima Voice 2, (Surround) W 990, Atmos C763L; Subs: SVS SB-13 Ultras;  Cable: 4K Verizon; Broadcast: Mediasonic HW-150PVR; Wiring: Shunyata; Apple TV,

Re: Black (and Blue) Adam: A review
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2022, 12:24:45 PM »
Thanks Barry. Was just talking to a friend last night who saw it right away, and really enjoyed it. From what he said it fit the same description you mentioned of non-stop action. That's not very interesting to me most of the time (unless there is some real creativity and art to it), so I may sit this one out and wait for an HBO Max viewing. 


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Re: Black (and Blue) Adam: A review
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2022, 01:37:58 PM »
Thanks Barry. Was just talking to a friend last night who saw it right away, and really enjoyed it. From what he said it fit the same description you mentioned of non-stop action. That's not very interesting to me most of the time (unless there is some real creativity and art to it), so I may sit this one out and wait for an HBO Max viewing.
Paul, you lead me to a very good point that I think should be made. And maybe for David too because he also reviews movies. I sometimes would like to say, "if this is the type of movie you like you will like this movie." I assume when I'm putting up a review, for example to black Adam, the review is most interesting to those people who like superhero movies. If you don't like them there's nothing I can say that would make you go.

However, I had a girlfriend who didn't like gangster movies. But when I showed her Goodfellas, she loved it. So there are movies out there that do cross the line so to speak. I'm glad your friend like this and it just shows you that people have many different opinions. But wait for HBO Max!!!!!
McIntosh MX170 Controller: Projector JVC DLA-RS4100; Screen: Stuart StudioTek130: Amps: McIntosh MC-611(center),MC1.25KW (lf&rt);  Krell S-1500 Atmos/Surround; 4kDVD Panasonic UB9000; Speakers: Revel Ultima Salon 2, Ultima Voice 2, (Surround) W 990, Atmos C763L; Subs: SVS SB-13 Ultras;  Cable: 4K Verizon; Broadcast: Mediasonic HW-150PVR; Wiring: Shunyata; Apple TV,

Re: Black (and Blue) Adam: A review
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2022, 02:33:17 AM »
Barry, as you point out, there isn't really a monolithic "superhero movie" type any more. The range has been expanded so much in the last couple of decades to way more than just action and quips. We have coming of age stories, social commentary, stories with supreme self sacrifice (Logan), etc. Some are very violent and others much less so. So you have to get more nuanced now than just saying people who like superhero movies.

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