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Favorite Vinyl ?

Favorite Vinyl ?
« on: December 10, 2016, 12:28:08 AM »
This might not be the right place to post this, and I'm not sure how many of you listen to vinyl anymore... But for those who do. Whats your favorite reference or show off your system records?  I have rediscovered how great a turntable can sound but am lacking music to play on it.

So far my shopping list is:
1. Eric Clapton Unplugged
2. Jazz at the pawnshop



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Re: Favorite Vinyl ?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2016, 11:25:24 AM »
This might not be the right place to post this, and I'm not sure how many of you listen to vinyl anymore... But for those who do. Whats your favorite reference or show off your system records?  I have rediscovered how great a turntable can sound but am lacking music to play on it.

So far my shopping list is:
1. Eric Clapton Unplugged
2. Jazz at the pawnshop

How was Hush?
Marantz av8805a, 3 K402MEHs, 4 Klipsch RP150Ms, MINIDSP DDRC88M, 1 7 channel woofer amp & heights, 3 Icepower amps, Denafrips Athena & Pontus ii, Lumin U1 mini, 2 Yamaha P2500s, Monoprice speaker wire, and XLR cables, 2 Furman filters, ProJect RPM 1.3 Carbon Turntable,  Zappiti Reference, Panasonic ub820, LG 86"" 4k fp

Re: Favorite Vinyl ?
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2017, 01:52:21 PM »
I grew up on vinyl (this shows my age!).  I have hundreds of LPs and just recently purchased a turntable.


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Re: Favorite Vinyl ?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2018, 11:56:35 PM »
Just purchased a new turntable after selling my  Mitchell Gyrodec/SME V setup about 15 years ago. I picked up a Project RPM 1.3, and will start to get records again in the near future.
Marantz av8805a, 3 K402MEHs, 4 Klipsch RP150Ms, MINIDSP DDRC88M, 1 7 channel woofer amp & heights, 3 Icepower amps, Denafrips Athena & Pontus ii, Lumin U1 mini, 2 Yamaha P2500s, Monoprice speaker wire, and XLR cables, 2 Furman filters, ProJect RPM 1.3 Carbon Turntable,  Zappiti Reference, Panasonic ub820, LG 86"" 4k fp


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Re: Favorite Vinyl ?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2019, 11:44:20 PM »
I too grew up with vinyl and still have most of my record collection.

There are a few that come to mind when it comes to audio quality.

Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms, Making Movies
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Steely Dan - Can't Buy a Thrill, Asia, Pretzel Logic
The Police - Ghost in the Machine, Synchronicity

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