There was a time when I was really into using a Projector with my A/V system. I had a 108" screen, which I still own, a nice midrange 1080p projector, and behind the pull down screen I had a 1080 television next to an A/V rack with all kinds of goodies. But now with 4K TV's at 55" and up up and away in terms of size, I've kind of moved on from setting up my own projector for Movies. I miss those days some what. My daughter, who also loves movies, and I would go down there and watch a movie just to spend time together. I don't know if I'd ever upgrade anything that I own down there. I still have everything just like before, yet, it is not set up. I guess it would be kind of fun, even if I didn't upgrade anything to just go down there and experience it like we used to. LOL The only problem is, it's not set up. Do you think I could "encourage" her to set it up for me? Naaaaah! She's smarter than that!