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Samsung firmware update puts ads on TV menu bar


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Samsung firmware update puts ads on TV menu bar
« on: November 23, 2016, 01:18:17 PM »
Samsung is readying the European expansion of an initiative it started in the United States last June: adding interactive advertisements to the menu bars of its high-end smart TVs. The impact isn't going to be limited just to customers buying new Samsung televisions, either, as the company reportedly plans to use software updates to retroactively bring the ads to older models that people already have in their homes.



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Re: Samsung firmware update puts ads on TV menu bar
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2016, 01:27:28 PM »
I haven't noticed any ads on our set so far... Could it be because I am only watching HD OTA for broadcast?
Marantz av8805a, 3 K402MEHs, 4 Klipsch RP150Ms, MINIDSP DDRC88M, 1 7 channel woofer amp & heights, 3 Icepower amps, Denafrips Athena & Pontus ii, Lumin U1 mini, 2 Yamaha P2500s, Monoprice speaker wire, and XLR cables, 2 Furman filters, ProJect RPM 1.3 Carbon Turntable,  Zappiti Reference, Panasonic ub820, LG 86"" 4k fp


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Re: Samsung firmware update puts ads on TV menu bar
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2016, 03:37:20 PM »
Yeah, this is kind of a Samsung deterrent -- but probably the others will follow suit.  So the OP says ads on the Menu bar.  Not having a Samsung to check, is this intrusive or a minor nit?  Would you be able to simply ignore it?

Basically, I ignore and try to short circuit all personalized ads, but some of them are a pain and some still require that I actively dismiss them.
Atmos/DTS:X Setup
Yamaha RX-A3060 w/ Elan Z-Fan; Config: 7.2.4 (switchable to 7.2.2 + Zone2)
Mirage Speakers: OM-6 (FLR), MC-si (C), OM-R2 (SLR), FRx-nine (BLR); ELAC A4s (FP), RSL C34Es (RP)
aci Titan subs (2) RP amp: AudioSource AMP100VS
OPPO 203;  LG OLED65B6; Harmony 650 and Hub

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