Looking for an about 150 diag, 2.35, AT screen that would be highlighted by an epson 5040. Seating will be around 10 to 12 ft.
Room is somewhat light controlled (black wall behind screen) gray wall throughout, dark walnut plank, but white ceiling for now, I need to show the better half how it washed the image before repainting can proceed.
I was looking to get a silver ticket as a throw away screen waiting for a better projector/screen combo, but there is no more available in my size, so I guess, the budget will go up.
I was looking at Seymour center stage XD. Not sure really what I need as it will be my first screen and projector. I just want to have the biggest size I can fit in my space as I do not plan to rebuild the wood support and acoustic black fabric around the screen later on.