It depends on the projector and tube type.. With a Marquee 9500 with LCP tubes its really hard to burn up those tubes.. ill bet they will run 15000hours + if setup right.. I seen 500-3000 hour ones that had no visible sign of wear whatsoever.But if you go for LUG tubes and a SONY G90 you might be into the tube burning buisness changing tubes every 5000 hours, more or less. all depending how hard you drive it.. From simulator projectors it looks to me like they run 20000-25000 hours on green and blue, and longer on red, using very little of the tube face.The difference with the CRT is that many of them will just keep on going, while the digital models just drop dead.. Think its hard to find something today that can be expected to last more than 2-7 years, where these machines many are 20 years + old and still running, also its possible and worth repairing them if you have the right ones.If some would expend the same kind of money on a good 9" CRT projector as they do on some digitals .. like 8-10K$ they would sure get a CRT with installation setup and calibration.. But CRT is mostly a diy thing these days with very mixed results.
For the first time ever I'm pretty content. The image is so dynamic; it's hard to imagine 1080p being resolved any better than it is. I'm sure there's always some little tweaks to play with but I don't think it's anything that will make a truly material difference to the image quality.Right now I'm focusing on the finishing work in the theater (millwork, AT panels, audio calibration, new seating) so that's going to tie me up until next Summer. Every time I sit down to watch something I feel like I need to name my next child Kurt