I have enjoyed MOST of the first real phase of the Marvel Universe, ending with Avengers Endgame. But I have not greatly enjoyed most of the movies that have come after, nor have I been enamored with their TV shows. Looking over the titles, I began to wonder why. And I discovered a trend. But please don’t tell anyone, I’ll get letters! Of course, the original (and successful comics) are mostly about men. In the beginning, the Marvel Movie Universe was very much men conquering evil. But it began to turn and now very much feminine. Iron Man fought alone, but had a girlfriend. The Hulk and Ant-Man fought alone and had girlfriend. Then came Captain Marvel, a woman. I knew him as Walt Larson. We then get the Black Widow. The Doctor Strange movie was more about the Scarlet Witch then anything else. Thor Love and Thunder was about Jane (Natalie Portman) who did most of the fighting. The Eternals and Guardians of the Galaxy had more female members then male. The Ant-Man got a partner, the Wasp. And in his last movie, there were three Wasps and the youngest girl, his daughter was the hero. In fact, the last X-Men movie was about Jean Grey and little about anyone else. The Marvel TV Universe is very female. Wanda Vision, then Hawkeye is now a Woman, followed by She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel. Even “What If” had a woman become the new Captain America who was also featured in the last Dr. Strange movie). The just announced that the new Captain Marvel movie will have only a multi female super hero cast. I did like some of the recent movies. The last Spider-Man, with three Spider-Men was great. And I liked Captain Marvel and Shang Chi. Don’t get me wrong, I love Hayley Atwell, Brie Larson, Scarlett Johanson and Michelle Pfeffer. I am just not in love with the current movies and TV shows.
Barry, you're lucky this is a safe space or else they would be picketing outside your home with pitchforks I don't disagree with your take one bit. You hit the nail on the head.
"Black Widow was frontloaded at the domestic box office and fueled by fanboys (males made up 58 percent of ticket buyers)."
Disney+’s Ms. Marvel is setting record-low viewership stats for Marvel Studios ... Ms. Marvel was watched by a mere 775K households in the U.S; being the first Marvel Cinematic Universe series to not provide at least a million viewers.
The 2 recent Ghostbusters movies are a great example in comparing and contrasting female lead roles. Answer The Call had some great talents, actresses I have enjoyed as comedians elsewhere, but it just didn't come together well. Writing or directing, some combination, but it seemed to constrain them. Maybe it was a bit too much of a straight recreation instead of something new, as Barry alluded to. But Afterlife was WAY better - and it had a young female lead who was fantastic.
David was right when he said, "Barry, you're lucky this is a safe space or else they would be picketing outside your home with pitchforks." I posed this o a Facebook pagve and was totally insulted, no one aaddressed the issue. I was also told that I did not know the comics from which these were taken.
This is part of the problem. Instead of having a rational discussion about your observations, any such talk is shut down. Often times the person mentioning it is branded as harboring some kind of prejudice, so that anyone that might want to express a similar opinion is cowed into silence.I love that they told you that you don't know the original material. What ignorance.I'm grateful that a discussion like this can be had in this forum by sticking to the points, without having to disparage anyone's character.Scott