I know I am going to get into trouble with this. I enjoy and require originality in a movie. All Rom-Coms these day begin with a couple hating each other. The, usually by coincidence, they are thrown together time after time. One of the two always has a boyfriend or girlfriend waiting for them while the other grows jealous. Then, at the end, they get together. I have seen this movie a couple of dozen times, with different movie stars. The last one was Jennifer Lopez I believe. The cast, Clooney and Roberts, are worth watching. The plot is unimaginative and stall as was most of the dialogue. Yes, there was an occasional laugh. This is a flat movie that showed no imagination. If you liked the scenery watch “Forgetting Sarah Marshall. And maybe a dozen others.
I loved When Harry Met Sally, Pretty Woman, Sleepless in Seattle, 500 Days of Summer, Silver Liniins Playbook, 13 going on 30, Bull Duran, Princess Bride, and so many that were not typical
David, please read my review. I wrote that Clooney and Roberts were worth watching. They are. They are the reason to watch this movie. I just wish it was a more original story.