Barry, I saw this Monday night. I'm not very conversant with the comics overall though. I had a tough time with this one. It went too far into silly at times, and at the wrong time too sometimes. I thought thematically, Bale's story was under utilized and developed. Had a long discussion with a couple of friends afterwards . Both had seen it before me, and one mentioned reading that there were 11 hours of footage filmed. We basically agreed that it felt like a lot of the problem may have been editing, as it just wasn't focused into a very coherent movie. A fun scene stitched with a few more doesn't make a movie.So it was enjoyable a lot of times, and fun to some extent, but just not a great movie or well told story. This is one of the Marvel movies that I would most like to see an extended edition of, though, as I feel like there was some good material left out of this somewhere - like Batman Vs Superman, and extended version could round it out well.
I want to see it but I will wait until it hits Blu-ray. My sound is better, my seating is comfier, I don't have to deal with people's phones lighting up, COVIDPox...... Oh, and my snacks are better.
I'm starting to think that it's time for me to stay put with the Marvel movies I have.
Sigh. I think I am suffering from “Marvel Fatigue.” First, because of covid delays, instead of getting two or so movies a year we have gotten Spider-Man, Black Widow, The Eternals, Chang Chi, Dr. Strange, and Thor in seven months!!! And soon Black Panther and Ant-Man 3. I know of no other franchise that has released 28 films in just 13 years. It took Bond 60 years to release just 25. It’s too much by a lot. And let’s face it, they are no longer unique, we have seen so much of this before. The Best characters have already been brought to the screen and we are seeing either a less original sequel or a second tier character at the is point. (I did really like the last Spider-Man.) It might interest you to know that the Black Widow, Eternals, and Ant-Man never had long, successful, comic book runs.
I still like going to the theatre. I go a Dolby one, with great picture, sound and reclining seats. I bring my own rasinets because I like them frozen! However, I do need a PAUSE button when the movie is longer than 2 hours. Theere is a small room I need to visit.