My wife wants to watch this, I'm hesitant. I recall the news stories, and I also grew up right down the road from Swaggart Ministries in Baton Rouge. Let's just say I don't have anything close to a sympathetic view on televangelists. Re: streaming - I'm curious about the quality of the same movie from different platforms. Is Movies Anywhere the same, better or worse than iTunes, Amazon, Vudu? Do they basically all get the same digital file? Then from there do they do anything different? I know some of those have had different A/V levels available, for example MA didn't have 4K for a while. Audio codecs have been different too. I haven't kept up on the latest updates for various services.
Don’t hit the delete button don’t hit the delete button…
I know what it was. Like me, as a child, you were traumatized by her eye makeup.