Greetings,Thanks for the review Dave. As we discussed, I liked (didn't love) Nomadland. I saw Fern differently than you did. I saw her as someone that essentially lost all of the things that made her life important. Her job, her home and her husband. None of those things were lost because of something she did.I saw her as someone that became jaded about investing her heart again and through this lifestyle found a means to cope. As for the other people surrounding her in the film and what their personal choices were and why I couldn't say.I enjoyed the film's character study element, McDormand's performance and the director's handling of it all.I do agree that it's far from uplifting... Regards,
Admit it LOVED the bucket scene
Greetings,Frankly, I didn't have any specific recollection of it UNTIL YOU brought it up. Clearly it was the film's highlight for you..Regards,
Not a highlight...a lowlight
Thanks - I had to go Google " bucket scene " while eating teriyaki chicken!Nomadland: The Oscar front-runner’s flaws run deeper than its portrayal of Amazon. (
Sorry about that Craig