- A single HDMI 2.1/8k/40Gbps input (8K/60Hz and 4K/120Hz pass-through) - [Note that the 40Gbps number is more likely to be the number the industry adopts at large vs the 48Gbps initial target. The best TVs on the market, the 2020 LG CX 9 series OLEDs just released with 40Gbps ports. The Xbox One X and PS5 are going to be 40Gbps maximum.]From an HDfury post regarding their devices......we are not willing to do anything for 40Gbps/1200MHz, we want to work with the real deal 48Gbps/1500MHz which won't be available before mid of 2021 (at least on AVR and device in the middle like us)I am still good with my X6400H, so I will likely wait until next year before considering an upgrade. I assume this years models can't be upgraded for 48Gbps if next year's models support it.