I really wasn't expecting to see another DLP-based model from them. I kind of wish we could see a laser 1080p e-shift model on the bottom end. I'm assuming, without economies of scale, it may be impractical to manufacture 1080p DiLA panels for just one model? This model seems to fill the void where the RS540 was at in price.
A model with a bulb would have been fine for me! I'm sorry I missed the end of the line of the e-shift. I'm not a movie person. I bought and tried to watch way too many movies and never saw the end of some of them! Even one recommended by Craig!!!!!!! I primarily watch 3 hours of Motogp racing (19 times a year) live where ever it is in the world. I now have 700-800 hrs on the Sony 45es that I bought from Mike a few years ago. I bought it because they upgraded Motogp streaming from 720p to 1080p.
This might be a good projector for someone in your situation. This unit is geared more towards living room installations where a ton of light is needed to kill ambient light. It's not meant to serve as competition to their 4K DiLA home theater projectors. Sports and brighter APL content should look excellent on this projector.
Thanks for the suggestion. I have a black room with the lowest LRV paint I could find locally. When I turn on all the lights in the room I still can't see a damn thing in the corners on each side of the screen (I'll be 69 in the next day or two with MATURE vision)! With all lights off it's a black pit with a screen floating in a black abyss! The projector before the Sony 45es was a Sharp DT-400 which had a motorized zoom and focus and a two position iris. The next projector WILL have a motorized zoom and focus and an adjustable iris!
JVC isn't going to offer that at a low price point until they have to. Sony and/or Epson needs to offer JVC competition first.
Epson first has to step onto the native 4K field. Wish they would hurry up and do so.