Great write up Barry. I think it's telling that much of this consolidation has happened under both Republican and Democrat Presidents and control of Congress. It goes to show how powerful it is to have good lobbyists in Washington.
The only network shows I watch (actually, I record and watch on my timetable) are The Big Bang Theory (series finale tonight), Young Sheldon (my favorite show), and Last Man Standing. When those shows are done, I'm through with the networks. The only reason I still have cable is for sports programming (which I'm hardly ever watching other than Shark's hockey) and some golf tournaments (mostly majors, although I will try and watch the Sunday round if I don't have any other plans). I'm like Craig, mostly movies, although I have been watching additional shows via Netflix and Amazon Prime.
We ditch cable/sat long time ago and went with OTA but to be honest, today, we hardly and I mean hardly ever watch anything from the antenna. We stream either from amazon prime or netflix or watch movies from blu ray.. That's it and the occasional PS4 gaming.