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Sequels the best and the worst


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Sequels the best and the worst
« on: December 06, 2016, 07:58:40 AM »

Godfather II
Empire Strikes Back

Major League 2
Fletch 2
Anchorman 2

it seems comedy sequels dont do well why is that?
SadieMax 2,0 Build thread

Nad t758v3 
7.4.4 diysoundgroup 1099's (3) 
Volt 6 (8 ) 
18" SI subs (4) 
diy 130" 2.40 spandex screen
minidsp 2x4HD
JVC rs600
Lumagen radiance pro 4242
Nvidia shield pro
Emby NAS media player


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Re: Sequels the best and the worst
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2016, 01:51:51 PM »
Worst: The Scorch Trials
« Last Edit: December 06, 2016, 07:19:49 PM by ellisr63 »
Marantz av8805a, 3 K402MEHs, 4 Klipsch RP150Ms, MINIDSP DDRC88M, 1 7 channel woofer amp & heights, 3 Icepower amps, Denafrips Athena & Pontus ii, Lumin U1 mini, 2 Yamaha P2500s, Monoprice speaker wire, and XLR cables, 2 Furman filters, ProJect RPM 1.3 Carbon Turntable,  Zappiti Reference, Panasonic ub820, LG 86"" 4k fp


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Re: Sequels the best and the worst
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2016, 01:59:41 PM »
Worst: Scorched

what is that a sequel to?
SadieMax 2,0 Build thread

Nad t758v3 
7.4.4 diysoundgroup 1099's (3) 
Volt 6 (8 ) 
18" SI subs (4) 
diy 130" 2.40 spandex screen
minidsp 2x4HD
JVC rs600
Lumagen radiance pro 4242
Nvidia shield pro
Emby NAS media player


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Re: Sequels the best and the worst
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2016, 07:19:21 PM »
what is that a sequel to?
The Maze Runner... I miss spelled the sequel title (now corrected as The Scorch Trials).
Marantz av8805a, 3 K402MEHs, 4 Klipsch RP150Ms, MINIDSP DDRC88M, 1 7 channel woofer amp & heights, 3 Icepower amps, Denafrips Athena & Pontus ii, Lumin U1 mini, 2 Yamaha P2500s, Monoprice speaker wire, and XLR cables, 2 Furman filters, ProJect RPM 1.3 Carbon Turntable,  Zappiti Reference, Panasonic ub820, LG 86"" 4k fp

Re: Sequels the best and the worst
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2016, 08:07:33 PM »
What, no razzies for:
Highlander 2 - The Quickening
The Howling 2 (or Your Sister Is A Werewolf)

At least as coherent, vs. unintentionally funny, sequels go...
« Last Edit: December 06, 2016, 08:10:04 PM by sdrucker »
Audio Gear: Trinnov Altitude 16/24, NAD M27 and Wyred4Sound MMC-7 amps
Display: Panasonic VT50, Lumagen Radiance Mini. Misc.: Oppo 103, Samsung K8500 UHD player
Speakers: PSB Imagine T2, Center, Imagine T Wides and Side Surrounds, Imagine S rear surrounds,
PSB Imagine XA (4), HSU ULS-15 subs (2) - 9.2.4
Coming soon - JVC RS600, AT screen, Lumagen Radiance Pro

Craig Peer

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Re: Sequels the best and the worst
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2016, 09:23:41 PM »
Worst: The Scorch Trials

I liked The Scorch Trials, even though I didn't think it was as good as Maze Runner. Decent though.

Craig Peer

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Re: Sequels the best and the worst
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2016, 09:26:24 PM »
The Dark Knight sequels were great. Watched all three movies over 3 nights a few weeks ago. There's a 4K UHD re - buy I'd jump at. Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight is off the charts nuts !


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Re: Sequels the best and the worst
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2016, 10:28:02 AM »
Ted 2...while not as funny as the first...was pretty good

Neighbors 2 - nothing like the first...my wife and i cried laughing at the first ...and only chuckled at the second
SadieMax 2,0 Build thread

Nad t758v3 
7.4.4 diysoundgroup 1099's (3) 
Volt 6 (8 ) 
18" SI subs (4) 
diy 130" 2.40 spandex screen
minidsp 2x4HD
JVC rs600
Lumagen radiance pro 4242
Nvidia shield pro
Emby NAS media player

Re: Sequels the best and the worst
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2016, 12:55:27 AM »
The Empire Strikes Back, Godfather II, The Dark Knight, and The Exorcist III (really was a sequel to the first movie as the second movie was a disaster).  I think some of the Marvel titles are good such as: Avengers II, Captain America -The Winter Soldier, and X-Men 2.  Hellboy II was good, as well.

Re: Anchorman II, I thought it was pretty funny.

The worst sequels?  Too many to list as most are quite bad.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2016, 01:00:20 AM by DavidHir »

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