And i disagree a speaker is a speaker and hasn’t progressed. Not to mention what is being down with speakers (3D audio) is astounding
Though mine are larger and active, rather than passive.
I am more confident than ever that (batcave) projection will survive for quite a while longer, we just need a little boost in brightness and contrast - as well as 4K native all way through -
Yes, more channels have been added but the speaker is still a cone and resides in a box and many are not very efficient.Maybe someday we will have a new way to reproduce sound with very high efficiency.Active has some advantages, sounds like a nice system Mike.And a good screen, I think you have that covered
I used to go to CEDIA and after listening to some of the better HT demo's, walk away thinking, what do I need to do to get my system to sound that good and have that kind of impact. For the last three CEDIA's I have walked away, still impressed with my system's performance.